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We are looking for disruptive solutions in the field of digitalization of industry and enhancements to the existing Kolektor programs. Components and systems to cover the demand of the automotive. Sector represent the core segment of the Kolektor activities.
Direct Current - Current Transformer. Measurement Technology of the Future. DC Accuracy and Temperature Stability. Overloading Detection with Core Reset. Direct Current - Current Transformer. The DC-CT family of products represent state-of-the-art DC Current Transformers, capable of measuring DC as well as wide-bandwidth AC currents, over the magnetic coupled device by incorporating novel principles of operation and technology.
Brushless Motor Controllers 12VDC - 96VDC. Brushless Motor Controllers 120VDC - 400VDC. Brushed Drives and Brushless Drives. Rugged runners for everyday use. High-tech drive designed for full performance. Brushless Motor Controllers 12VDC - 96VDC, Brushless Motor Controllers 120VDC - 400VDC, Custom Made Electronics. Brushless Motor Controllers 12VDC - 96VDC. Brushless Motor Controllers 120VDC - 400VDC. A Reliable Partner Since 1941.
We design and produce wireless power components - shielding, coils, magnets; or provide you with built transmitters and receivers.
Energy from the Heart of Europe. Small hydro engeneering, Small hydro development, Control. Model design, model testing, site testing. Model design, model testing, site testing.
KOLEKTOR GROUP Vodenje in upravljanje druzb d.o.o.
Vojkova ulica 10
Idrija, 5280
Za industrijo, energetiko, zgradbe in komunalno infrastrukturo. Poslanstvo, vizija in vrednote. Namenski izdelki in rešitve za avtomatizacijo, zastopanje, svetovanje in tehnična podpora. Produkti in rešitve za različna tehnološka področja v različnih panogah industrije. Sistemi vodenja in avtomatizacija, elektro inženiring, merilna oprema, tehnološki inženiring.
Direct Current - Current Transformer. Measurement Technology of the Future. DC Accuracy and Temperature Stability. Overloading Detection with Core Reset. Direct Current - Current Transformer. The DC-CT family of products represent state-of-the-art DC Current Transformers, capable of measuring DC as well as wide-bandwidth AC currents, over the magnetic coupled device by incorporating novel principles of operation and technology.
Brushless Motor Controllers 12VDC - 96VDC. Brushless Motor Controllers 120VDC - 400VDC. Brushed Drives and Brushless Drives. Rugged runners for everyday use. High-tech drive designed for full performance. Brushless Motor Controllers 12VDC - 96VDC, Brushless Motor Controllers 120VDC - 400VDC, Custom Made Electronics. Brushless Motor Controllers 12VDC - 96VDC. Brushless Motor Controllers 120VDC - 400VDC. A Reliable Partner Since 1941.
SELAMAT DATANG PARA KOLEKTOR DVD MOVIE. Ini merupakan situ diperuntukkan untuk para kolektor film. Saya suka mengkoleksi film jadi saya ingin menjual koleksi saya kepada para kolektor film. Barang dikirim menggunakan TIKI, JNE atau POS Indonesia. Knp pesanan gw sudah 3 hari belum sampai.
Czy leci z nami pilot chwiejne rządowe ramy rozwoju energetyki odnawialnej wpis na ODNAWIALNY BLOG. Kim są najwięksi zwycięzcy aukcji OZE? Miliardy na panele słoneczne. Za dwa lata moce fotowoltaiczne w Polsce mają wzrosnąć czterokrotnie. Po co opierać się zmianom, które i tak nastąpią? Wywiad z Grzegorzem Wiśniewskim, prezesem IEO na portalu WNP. Czy dyskusja o energetyce bez UE, Niemiec i sektora prywatnego ma sens? Nowy rodzaj przewodów słonecznych.